Posts Tagged ‘Matt’

Content from issue # 4 – The Resistance Issue!

January 24, 2010

“If they can take away your right to say ‘fuck’, next is your right to say ‘fuck the government’” By Matt Hern

There is every reason to resist the Olympics in every way possible, and we should most certainly be making these jackasses unwelcome. But I’ll submit to you that the Olympics aren’t the problem. They’re just another symptom.

The real issue is that the Olympics are just one more spectacular expression of the neo-liberal remaking of our political and social landscapes. The five-ring circus is a blunt force for transforming cities, going end-around on civic democracy and transforming public space into hyper-securitized surveillance zones. The Games themselves are just another piece in a larger effort that is inserting Vancouver into the global economy in a very specific way. It’s another rendition of Naomi Klein’s disaster capitalism: circus capitalism.

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“If they can take away your right to say ’fuck’, next is your right to say ‘fuck the government’” by Matt Hern

image by Meghan Corsie